For all the positive aspects of national and international tourism, there are of course negative ones, and this time we’re talking about air traffic problems. Eurocontrol, the European air traffic management agency reported “traffic” in the sky this summer which caused delays at a much higher rate than expected. They are already predicting that European air traffic will be “very complicated and difficult” in summer 2025.
They reported that traffic was up 5% compared to the levels in 2023, while passengers suffered extensive delays, with more than a third of all flights delayed by more than 15 minutes on arrival. In fact, according to Eurocontrol, delays were “much higher than expected”, averaging over 21 minutes.
Too much air traffic
The phenomenon was attributed to traffic management with en-route delays of 4.6 minutes per flight, 52% more than in 2023 and in fact, the second worst year ever according to their summer report.
According to Eurocontrol, an average of 34,042 flights per day were recorded in the June-August period, up 4.8% compared to the same period in 2023.
“Beyond 2025, deeper structural reform is needed to address medium- and long-term challenges such as the expected increase in traffic and the impact of climate change,” Eurocontrol noted. Immediate solutions to the traffic problem in our airspace are therefore required.