And suddenly the guests leave the lodge with itching and red marks all over their bodies. No, it’s not your fault! Blame the bedbugs that usually go to clean houses traveling from destination to destination with your guests, but causing negative comments about your accommodation.

As experts explain, the most exposed places are tourist accommodation due to increased travel.

France was a prime example where bedbugs had spread to more than 1 in 10 French homes, with owners spending around €230 million annually to ‘clean up’, according to an official report in an article published in the Telegraph. The movement of travelers has also played its part in this spread.

Bugs stay in villas too

The myth that bugs “prefer” the lower economic strata is not true. The truth is that bedbugs like to live wherever there is a human being, whether rich or poor, since blood is their food. So the conclusion is that they could be carried both in an expensive suitcase whose destination is a villa and in a battered old backpack whose destination is a lower-priced Airbnb-type rental accommodation.

Bugsugs are night visitors

A red mark on your skin is the first warning sign that you have…company…in your accommodation. If you suspect bedbugs in your accommodation you should know that:

  • Bedbugs only bite at night. Daytime bug bites only happen if they are fasting for a long time.
  • Bedbugs sting many times creating an imaginary line of pimples, something like a “gauze”.
  • Bedbugs can live from 6 to 18 months without feeding.

Although bedbugs are not known to transmit diseases, they can cause various problems in both physical and mental health. Among the potential problems include allergic reactions due to their bite, secondary skin infections and psychological effects such as severe anxiety and stress for household residents.

How to protect your property

To protect your accommodation against the invasion of bedbugs, you can follow a few simple tips.

It is important to check furniture, beds and sofas for any signs of infestation. To check for the presence of insects, there are special traps that use pheromones to indicate the presence of insects and can protect against infestation.

Also on departure – arrival, you can use special sprays (approved by the Ministry including for use on mattresses) to spray the surfaces of mattresses, behind the headboards of beds and behind bedside tables. These are the places where they will hide once they enter our premises. If there is in fact an infestation, the insects should be combated either by thermal (ecological) or chemical application.

How to identify the bugs?

The main trick, according to experts, is to check the bed mattresses especially near the seams or the fabric frames and headboards of the beds. If you spot reddish, rust-colored marks, they may be from bedbugs being crushed or dark spots from their droppings.

Bedbugs also hide in other fabrics, such as chairs, sofas, curtains, but not exclusively, some even prefer drawers, electrical outlets and other appliances.

How to exterminate bedbugs

As soon as you identify them, the fastest, quickest and best solution is to  leave it the  experts to deal with, and avoid following any weird and wonderful remedies you’ve heard online.

Besides, you cannot be sure that you have completely exterminated them unless you are an expert, as the eggs and newly hatched nymphs are about 1mm long and translucent which makes them very difficult to spot.

If the issue is not dealt with immediately by qualified personnel, there is a chance that the bugs can get into lightweight structures such as plasterboard and be transferred from one room to another. It is no coincidence that bedbugs are “affectionately” known as “travelers”.

So, if you even have the slightest suspicion that you might  have some bedbug guests, it is best to call the experts before the bedbugs become “permanent” residents in your accommodation.

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