“Stop the over-taxation of short-term rentals” is the title of the proposed PASYDA citizen petition. The Association has listed a number of myths and truths about short-term renting in Greece and notes:
“The government, instead of investing in the development of the sector that brings twice as much tourism to the country, constantly creates obstacles such as:
- Heavy taxation, between 15% and 45%
- Blanket measures i.e the tax and fees are the same in all zones throughout the country
- Unsreasonable expenses such as utilities, maintenance, restoration and consumables
- Time-consuming and inefficient business processes eg booking data is given by the platforms – taxation could be done directly too without inconveniencing and crushing those involved in short-term rentals by succumbing to the pressure of hoteliers who want to control this sector”.
The citizen petition
What does the citizen petition ask of the Greek government?
- Stop fighting short-term renting by taking private individuals, companies and all those involved in the sector along with it
- Abolish the absurd Business Rates for any short-term residence property
- Withdraw any bill the Ministry of Tourism is preparing in order to change the current regime
- Allow the development of the industry in parallel with, rather than in competition with, the hotel industry
- Leave the short-term Urban lease as it is. Our accommodation is NOT Tourist Accommodation, we do not provide services and we want it to stay that way
- Stop operating punitively and unfairly and simplify tax procedures
- Let the reasonable and fair treatment of all of us who have invested and are involved in short-term rentals prevail
- Consult stakeholders before adopting measures
PASYDA stresses that “by signing this citizen petition we are saying: NO to the overtaxation of short-term rental properties, NO to the Business Tax for every short-term rental property, NO to the disastrous bill prepared by the Ministry of Tourism, NO to the pressure of hoteliers to take control of short-term rentals, and YES to dialogue”
You can sign here.