STAMA (the Short-Term Accommodation Managers’ Association) has positively evaluated the changes introduced by the new law governing short-term rental regulations. In a statement, they said:
“The establishment of standards for short-term rentals through the passage of the new bill is a positive and necessary step towards upgrading our hospitality services, and we welcome its passage.
As an association, we have announced our positions and submitted our proposals to the relevant ministries in a memorandum on May 19, 2024, in which we proposed the official adoption of standards that would enhance the quality of accommodation provided and the safety of our visitors, although the vast majority of us have been applying them for some time.
Although the bill was initially drafted without the participation of industry representatives, our recent participation in the parliamentary committee is a positive first step.
The final text of the bill vindicates the positions of STAMA and collaborating organizations such as POMIDA, and the final outcome of our efforts is considered successful.
The lifting of the restriction on primary residence use is a milestone for short-term rentals, saving millions of euros in investments and ensuring new development opportunities, as short-term rentals contribute millions of euros annually to the Greek economy and strengthen local communities through travel expenses and new job creation.
Large investments that have already been made and will be made in the future have been saved, while at the same time, many spaces will retain the right to find a new use and not be left abandoned and forgotten over time.
It is not overlooked that challenges for our market lie ahead and that our product has been burdened with heavy accommodation taxes, equating us with 5-star hotels, as well as other regulations and controls that are not required for other forms of accommodation. Despite the high burdens, we remain committed to providing superior hospitality services, strengthening the competitiveness of the Greek tourism product.
Finally, the final form of the bill gives us the strength to continue our struggle as a responsible institutional body to defend the interests of short-term rental professionals and to highlight our contribution to the national economy, local communities, and entrepreneurship.”